Frontispiece/ Chao Ling-jan (Ta-nien)/River Landscape in Mist with Geese and Flocking Crows [Ink on Silk]/4
B. H. Cole/Hokusai’s Surprise/5
Evelyn Ritchie/Birthstone/6
Kim Cushman/Sugaring/5-6
Rennie McQuilkin/Composition in White and Red/7
Sigrid Carlson/Two Untitled Poems/8
Michael Lenhart/Traveling Man/8
Sister Mary Lucina/Some of Me Would Go/9
Harold Witt/Critic [Translation from the German of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe ]/9
Mark Thalman/Below Juniper Bend/10
Norma Farber/Late Evenings in Autumn/11
Christopher L. Domin/If the God of the World Were Dark/11
Gail White/Giovanni Arnolfini and His Wife/12
Melanie Humfleet/Chickarees/12-13
John Guzlowski/Cattle Train to Magdeburg/14
B. Z. Niditch/Warsaw’s Ghetto Memorial/
Warsaw 1983/
Polish Monastery/15
Mordecai Marcus/Autumn Leavings/16
Joseph Salemi/Horace, 1.19 [Translation from the Latin]/16-17
Roger Finch/Shagal/17
Walter McDonald/On Taking a Small Son Hunting
The Start of Compulsive Eating/18
Daniel Bourne/Elephant Ears/19
Daniel J. Langton/In the Kitchen/20
De Villo Sloan/A Lunar Eclipse/20
Ree Young/Distant Storms/21
Robert L. Tener/On a Buffalo Etching Given as a Gift/22
Elaine V. Means/Elegy/23
Emily Newman Holt/Dr. Elizabeth Rendic Olate, 30/23
David Zeiger/Coney Island Summer/24
Alfred Dom/Gourd/25
Claire Mirakentz/Painting on the Pier/26
William Klein/Nietzsche and Regina Hear the Four Seasons/26-27
Jo Kinnick/Rime Royal for the Skyborne/28
Paul M. Hedeen/These Ways of Seeing/28
Cameron Tyler/Camels in Vermont/29
Caryl Porter/William Stafford in California/30
Martha Bosworth/Footnote/30-31
Tom Gage/Clandestino/31
Ruth C. Iodice/Illuminated Manuscript/32
Raymond McNiece/After Climbing Out to See a Heron/33
Joseph Salemi/Reading Basho’s Travel Sketches/33
Branley Allan Branson/Inauguration from a Sick Bed/34-35
T. Smith/It’s Hard to Help Nature Out/35
Frances Haas/Shame/36
Tereste Julanato/Grown up Poor/36-37
Roy Schwartzman/Song of a Child too Old for Adoption/37
John Tagliabue/Sensible on Ferragosto/
Guardi E Guardi/
Intense Direction: Wings of Intuition/
Idyllic Scenes for Sale/38-39
W. A. Fahey/Roses/39
Richard Behm/Tonight’s Creative Writing Assignment/40
Tom McDaniel/The White Bluebonnet/41
Mary Hower/ Living on Nothing/41
Pat Hutchings/Albert’s Plant Shop/42
Lisa McElhinny/Ladies of the Laundry/42-43
Norbert Krapf/Hesslar Revisited/43
William Tychonievich/The Electrodynamic Sublime/ 44
Steven Glenn Walters/These Beaten Transports/44
John J. Brugaletta/Letter from John/45
Friends of Blue Unicorn/ 46
Notes on New Contributors/47-48
Robert L. Bradley/Cover Design/Adaptation of Hozu River by Maruyama Okyo [Ink and Color on Paper]
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