Frontispiece/The Lighthouse at Pigeon Point CA, Photographed by Robert L. Bradley/4
Jeffrey Skinner/Ballad of the Lighthouse Keeper’s Widow/5
John Linthicum/Lorca/6
Ron Terranella/Feeding Mallards/7
Judy Bebelaar/David August Oberg/7
Maree Zukor-Cohen/ Letter to Albrigo/8
Zan Evans Prest/The Old King/9
Elizabeth Schuman/Untitled/9
David Spicer/The Brigade/10
Eliot Werbner/Look!/10
Stuart Silverman/The Metal Soldier/11
Harry Thomas/The Text/11
Sheldon S. King/Home Country/12
John Tagliabue/From an Italy Travel ]ournal/12-13
Alison Townsend/In the Dark/14
Harold Witt/Sonnets to Orpheus: First Part, No. 5 [Translation of Rainer Maria Rilke]/15
Jenna Ekker/Get Drunk [Translation of Charles Baudelaire]/15 Emil Efthimedes/Marauder/16
Russell Steinke/Movements/17
Ruth Lechlitner /Thunder and Lightning/17
Sharon Mesmer/Sally Silver/18
Lucile Bogue/The Nude in the Lavender Spats/19
Eugene Silverman/If You’ve Never Drunk Gin/19
Steve Rood/Monteverdi/20
B. Z. Niditch/Stravinsky/20
Ruth G. Iodice/Exultation for Pentecost/21
Kurt J. Fickert/Note Accompanying a Gift/21
Valerie Blake/Lesson/22
Diana O’Hehir/August/22
Craig R. Hoffman/Pyracantha/23
Ann Lee/These Trees/23
Allan Burgis/After Some Lines by John Yamrus/24
Audrey C. Small/Woolgathering in Scotland/25
Stephen Troyanovich/Cormac an Cliuin/25
Jeanne Fitzgerald/Fish Store/26
Louis Phillips/Shoot Out on Main Street/26-27
William Klein/In the Angel Colony/28
William Dubie/ Microscope in the Kindergarten/29
James E. MacWhinney/A Kid’s Garden, 1982/29
Joan Wolf/Mourning Doves, Blackberries, Fear/30
Jo Kinnick/Cambodian Relief Poster/31
Gayle Elen Harvey/Siamese Twins/31
Adrienne Wolfert/A Poem by Two Poets in Three Languages/32-33
Sarah W. Dickinson/A Winter Fathering/33
Ray Skjelbred/Where Centennial Way Crosses a Fault Line/34
Alexander Nepote/The Fallen [Mixed Media]/35
Edith Griswold Farey/Sapphic to the Fallen/35
Deanna Louise Pickard/A Man of Words/36
Ann Harrington/At Night/36
John Dickson/The House Next Door/37
Paul M. Hedeen/Duplex, Trashcan My Window to the East/38
Robert F. Whisler/Medical Gravity, A Modern Crucifixion/39
Ann Emerson/Cat Researcher: U.C. Berkeley/39
Jonathan Raz/HP, CDC, IBM, PDP/40
Hans Brockerhoff/Chestnut Hair/40
Elizabeth Searle Lamb/My Great-Grandfather/41
Gwendolyn Niles/The Actor in Old Age/41
Roger Smith/Storm Riddle/42
Peggy Willis Lyles/R.S.V.P/42
Lawrence D. Joiner/Of Love Departed/43
David E. Le Count/Haiku/43
Jeannette Maino/Ark/44
Carl Miller/Cutting Glass/44-45
John W. Presley/A Lover’s Lesson: The Immigrant Cemetery at Lepanto/45
Robert Gibb/Two Storms/46
Laurence W. Thomas/El Sembrador/46
Notes on New Contributors/47-48
Robert L. Bradley/Cover Design
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